I came up with a list of possible techniques :
- use of complementary colours
- patterns using repeating motifs - different sizes; layered (add embroidery and/or beads); cut and separated
- bonded fabrics (and threads)
- Fibonnacci - e.g. spiralling log cabin?
- tones of one colour
- cords, beads, buttons
There could easily have been more but I wanted to at least try to limit myself to a manageable list.
I was attracted by the meteorological photograph of a tornado from my original research images and looked for more tornado images online.
Then I printed out one of the Photoshop images I had done earlier and used that as a background for a spiral of circles and rings in decreasing sizes. I'm thinking that these could be made of wired cords, buttonholed rings, Dorset buttons and beads in my sample.
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