This image is a bit blurred - sorry, it was taken on my i-pad and enlarging the initial very small image has blurred it a little but I think it is still possible to make out the shapes. I made a cube, a pillow, a biscornu (covered in blackwork embroidery), a pyramid, a second pyramid made from four diamond shapes with the bottom point cut off, an open cylinder and a vessel made from nine octagons. The tall vessel at the back of this group was my first idea for a finished item.
I had originally thought of making a vase which would be tall enough to accommodate some lace flowers which I made some time ago, and to this end I began to pull images from magazines of possible shapes. Inspired by the lizards in my earlier research I eventually settled on the shape with curled back top edges seen in Figure 1 above.
I worked with this idea for a few days and then ... I decided that actually the sides of the vase were not really wide enough to show off the patchwork patterns that I had worked so hard to develop. So ...
I decided to return to a note that I had jotted on my initial brainstorming page - the idea of making a 'little' container for holding secrets and dreams. More research on the internet, and through catalogues and booklets collected from various visits to the Victoria and Albert Museum in London over the years, ensued. I was drawn to the shape of a reliquary, with its ridged lid. This, I felt, fitted better with my idea of a box for holding precious secrets, and also gave a perfect vehicle for mimicking the spines on the back of my chosen lizard.
The spine of the lid will be reminiscent of Gaudi's dragon back roof in Barcelona with prairie points along the ridge.
Having made a paper model of the box I shall actually make the ends 6" square, rather than just 4" wide as they are in this image so it will look to have better proportions to its height of 6". The front and back measure 8" across.